Artist Statement

To fill a need for the unknown with precision and repeatability. The world is filled with chaos, and though there is some beauty, I feel there is more beauty in putting that chaos in order. To put this chaos in order, I use 3D modeling and drafting software to create a digital image that can be put into manufacturing. I also use this software with 3D printers to prototype these designs, allowing me to touch and feel a design and ensure it works the intended way.

                Beyond 3D modeling for a product or manufacturing, I also love creating new buildings or machines for games. Whether it is an aircraft or a city block, I strive to make it as realistic as possible. This may be in the form of the dents in a dumpster or the rubbish in an alleyway. With 3D modeling, the imagination is the limit.

Through 3D modeling, I can bring order to that chaos and fill the needs of society. For me, nothing is better than taking an idea that someone has, a concept, and bringing it to reality.


Education Achievements

Pursuing knowledge has always been something I have thought to be one of the most valuable things in life. This is also something that I will never see myself as being complete in. Currently, my degrees are as follows:

Lindenwood University
  • Bachelor of Arts In Game Design

    August 2021 – Present

    Jefferson College
    • Associate of Arts in General Studies
    • Associate of Applied Science in Welding Technologies

    August 2018 – August 2021

    I additionally attended ITT Technical Institute for an Associate in Drafting and Design from 2015 to 2017 but could not complete this degree due to the school closing.


    Department of Transportation | Federal Aviation Administration

    • Airframe
    • PowerPlant

    Marine Corps

    I have achieved many things throughout my Marine Corps career and received several notable awards. Though this list is not complete, some of these achievements include:

    • Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal x3
      • This medal is awarded for meritorious service or achievement in either combat or noncombat based on sustained performance or specific achievement of a superlative nature.
    • Good Conduct Medal x 4
      • This medal is awarded to those who have served honorably and faithfully for three years.
    • National Defense Medal
      • This medal is awarded to service members who serve during times of war.
    • Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
      • This medal is awarded to service members while on active duty in support of designated Global War on Terrorism operations.